automated copernicus work

in my company we work a lot with OSM data. we use it as fallback mode when we cannot get any commercial data sets (e.g. swisstopo). we recently started to work with copernicus data and could fuse them automatically with the building footprints of different regions (e.g. bucharest). i do not have any timeline yet, and we do not want to do any work twice - but would you as community be interested in us as a company uploading the copernicus height information for building footprints for you?

would be cool if we could talk to some mod who is “in charge” of these things,

also some great sites for you: and

No one here is “in charge”.

What you are proposing falls into the category of an import. There are import guidelines in the wiki, you can start at

One of the things you will need to to is vet your proposed import with the local mappers, the best way to do that is to subscribe to the various region and/or country based mailing lists.