How to update the Mapnik Black&White tile

I have updated the main map in (park description and street deletion in Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic). I see the changes in the main map, but no change in OSM B&W mapnik map grayscale (${z}/${x}/${y}.png), which was found in How is the process to update these maps?
Thank you

See previous question . Maybe someone here will know…

I have asked on before, but no help. It looks like the Mapnik Tile service is running without updates, that’s strange for me.

If you can find the source for a black-and-white map style, then rendering it yourself shouldn’t be that difficult.

From time to time I use OSM Tiles in QGIS, sometimes I alter the colour settings to make the tiles greyscale. The regular OSM Carto map is surprisingly legible in this form. Perhaps there is something similar which may work for you.