Jalan Pahang bypass @ KL. need tracks

Salam sejahtera.

Ada sesiapa yang free boleh pusing2 collect gps track yg comel2. Ini major highway overpass penting yg baru siap dan operational tapi xde dalam peta. Baru lalu semalam masa naik bas.

Terimakasih didahulukan.

Anybody can contribute quality gps tracks? This is an important major highway overpass that has been completed and operational, but still not mapped. Passed through that road yesterday while on a bus.

Thanks in advance.


Waalaikumussalam (saje nak menyampuk). Yup, memang kena collect GPS track kat sini. DigitalGlobe Standard punya satelit, 15/10/2016 punya. Memang tak dapek nak nolong - segala ramp mak nenek tu tak siap lagi.

Sentinel-2 punya, 19/1/2018 pun, ha ha, tak berani le nak hentam keromo main trace-trace. Kalau rasa nak guna, PM tepi :wink:

Just emphasising one more time that GPS tracks is definitely needed here. DigitalGlobe Standard is still showing that the highway is still under construction as of 15/10/2016. Sentinel-2 (above) is from a few days ago (January 19th) but, at 10m per pixel, it’s really hard to simply trace all the ramps (highway links) from it. Let me know if this might be useful to update the new highway.

TMS URL (right click and copy): https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/akuanaktimur/cjcydiu371yx12tpbb20h23sl/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}@2x?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiYWt1YW5ha3RpbXVyIiwiYSI6ImNpbWp1eHlkcTAwdXR1cWt1MTh1dnQyd24ifQ._ikouF8ZIVds9OxjPRGZLg