My tags for concrete panel and block buildings material(many pictures)

I live in Russia and we have a lot of buildings built of bare concrete panels and blocks. Bare panel and block buildings have a unique appearance. Such buildings do not have a wall external covering, blocks and seams between them can be seen from the outside.

The value “concrete” already existing for the key building: material=* does not give a clear description of the appearance of such buildings. Value “concrete” can hide a houses built of concrete blocks or panels, monolithic reinforced concrete, concrete bricks, etc. Therefore, I propose to enter the value building:material=concrete_panels and building:material=concrete_blocks, which allows you to clearly specify the material of the facade of the buildings and separate this material from the rest of the concrete materials.
Bare concrete panels as part of the facade of the building are found in Russia and the CIS as often as brick or plaster. What do you think about this? The correct tag I chose?

Some areas are entirely constructed using this buildings. For example, here is a new district, entirely built of panel buildings (Google Street View):,37.3660151,3a,75y,64.18h,94.57t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAPl–e8BfG5sZJdfZA_ecw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?dcr=0

In Russia and CIS countries, most of the apartment buildings built in Soviet times are paneled, called “khrushchyovka” and “brezhnevka”. In modern Russia, they continue to actively build such buildings, leaving the panels without cladding.



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