Adding OSM user groups


I guess not every nation listens on TALK mailinglist, so here my post again on the forums:

As some might know, the German division has a nice map of all local groups at
Inspired by this one, I created an international version and a simple bot collecting all together.

So if you put this on the page of your local meeting wiki page:
then you will appear after while here:

Would be very interesting where in the world is OSM a big topic and if they are similar organised like here. So I would be glad if you would notify on the localised mailinglists etc.

Nice initiative, actually we have just one group which meets together in the city of Mendoza, the rest we draw at our own or just communicate over the network to coordinate some actions. Anyway we will promote the use of this feature which we find very useful. You are welcome to post in our regional forum at any time, especially if you birng such good news ha ha ha

Vielen Dank Kumpel !!!

Nuestros colegas de Mendoza se pueden sumar a la iniciativa, son nuestros precursores en formar el 1er grupo (mapping-party)

Not a problem :slight_smile: Would be nice to see where you all are live :wink: