ref discussion/poll

i havent seen this…thats a good find…i imagine is the same as the wms file…the problem i noticed is some new and old roads have the same number, highway branches with the same numbers as the parent national highways (omitting letters α,β,γ etc)…x numbers are new unnumbered sections mentioned in the 1998 ΕΣΥΕ document but never used (like Thermopyles - Mpralos - Amfissa - Itea - Antirrio), Mpralos - Amfissa is EO27, Amfissa - Livadeia is EO48, i really dont know about the rest…i suppose EO27

Yes i know that. If you can work with the wms layer in a GIS programm its even better.

X-numbers in wms are either un-numbered roads on new alignments. In some cases these new alignments have replaced old alignments, but officially are un-numbered roads. Anyway, because this is a bit complicated, and these roads must be evaluated by case, please post an example:

Find an x-number road in wms, then find that road in OSM and then post the link to that road here. Then i will post my opinion about that particular road.

Thank you.

Example: Λεωφόρος Σχιστού in Athens (X16,

We could use “ref:okxe” for the X numbers, and then credit them with “source:ref:okxe” under the conditions of

In theory Λεωφόρος Σχιστού has replaced a part of ΕΠ14 and in theory should have ref=ΕΠ14. But this road, officially, is part of the secondary national network, so it cant have an ΕΠ# ref tag. Therefor, there is no need to use a ref tag.


Please see for my compromise on the relations and ways.

We should use both ref and reg_ref (as indicated), since it is unlikely that we would drop one or the other. I accept that you do want reg_ref, but I also prefer ref, because OKXE uses the same key, “ar_odoy”, for both national and provincial roads.

However, ref and reg_ref does not have to be the same: I was thinking that ref=“XX-##” (XX being the province ISO code) if reg_ref=“ΕΠ#”. e.g. when reg_ref is “ΕΠ1” in Elis, the ref would be “14-01”.

– Amaroussi.

we talked about provincial road refs again and again and we decided reg_ref is the best solution as provincial road numbers exist purely on paper, the important thing here is to know you are on a provincial road (highway=secondary) that leads somewhere (a destination specified in the name)

reg_ref is already a compromise for me…i didnt want to map provincial roads at all

about the road numbers i think is best to stick with ΕΠ# now we already started with it, but i would discuss using the 4-digit numbers from OKXE

PS: you shouldnt edit the wiki before we agree on something

My previous post has been made redundant by subsequent discussion with JayCBR - Indeed, reg_ref and not ref for the ways, but maintain ref for relations only, which do not render on the map but helps advanced data users studying our network in detail (remember that drivers are not the only users of OSM :wink: ). I think that will do for now – I think we’ll leave the four digit numbers for later, before it overwhelms us like avalanches!



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