Potlatch: what is the status with Flash / Adobe Air?

Native app offers no tangible benefits vs. a wine based solution. It is too complex to set up for the majority of users, and only comes with inferior performance and stability. My recommendation is to use wine instead.


I’d agree with that. If time permits I’ll create an OSM diary entry that describes exactly what to do to get it working on a “vanilla” Ubuntu 18.04 or 20.04 system.

What would also be useful would be to have more information from anyone for whom that isn’t an option to understand why - for example Jan above has said “I cannot”, but we don’t know the actual issue there that prevents Wine being used in that example - is there some sort of software installation restriction, or does some error occur, or something else?

I cannot use PL3 natively because it won’t work on Linux (which is not Richard’s fault, of course).
I won’t use PL3 through Wine because emulators are workarounds, not solutions.
All this could be read higher up in the thread.

It seems there are some misconceptions what wine really is all about. Let’s take a look at their project page:

(emphasis mine)