OpenStreetMap meta data collector


After a quick look through the file I found the bug, single quotes aren’t being escaped…

<tag k=‘name’ v=‘Route de l’Allex’ />

New version will be up shortly addressing this error.

v0.7.1 is now up and fixes ’ and " issues.

:slight_smile: Great! Thank you. This app is very helpfull.

I’d appreciate it if you would please leave a comment on Android Market to counter act the illinformed comments already showing.

Also done.

I’ve just uploaded v0.7.2, I found some example code on to overlay maps with tracks, as a side benefit it makes the sat images translucent.

I played with the track code more today, it wasn’t working I shouldn’t code late at night too easy to make mistakes, but any way 0.7.4 is now up and it does work except for reading the previous track information from previous sessions, I’m still working on that.

Thanks again for all the work, the app is really working great !

0.7.6 is now up, seems to fix all the issues reading/writing previous track points.

I just noticed something interesting, the osm zoom levels don’t match gmap zoom levels, I was setting both to 18, but 18 on osm = 19 on gmap…

0.7.7 addresses this issue, 17 for osm, 18 for gmap…

Just uploaded 0.7.8, this version has an optional followme mode, icon in the top right corner, clicking it will stop the app from constantly recentring your position, clicking it again will make it recentre your position.

Might add this feature to gmap version too, but it doesn’t seem to be much point since you can’t control the map tile caching options usually, unless I want to hack together my own API for map tiles.

Thank you for your app… I just give it a try for now, but will probably use it in the next days…

Perhaps you should add a link to this forum on the market page… It is nice to see the changelog between each version.

Ummmm you do realise that each app on the market can list a link, and it does point to this forum?

The reason it isn’t included in the text describing the app is because there is a limit of 325 characters… but if you scroll down a little you’ll see it :slight_smile:

Well my app is going to get a real world test/hammering this coming week or so, I’m setting off on a 700km trip (one way) and along the way mapping out streets that just don’t have any existing coverage on OSM, one town wasn’t even marked in any way till I “put it on the map” yesterday.




Pittsworth (which wasn’t even marked till this evening at all):


I’ve probably bit off more than I can chew, but when you have a mouthfull chew like hell :slight_smile:

Just curious if anyone is still using a version of Android less than 1.5 still?

The reason I ask is because if no one is still using 1.0/1.1 I’m just going to publish against the 1.5 SDK…

v0.8.0 is now up, the major change is using the v1.5 of Android SDK, this app won’t work on anything less.

Apart from that it only refreshes the map automatically if the distance between the last GPS update and the centre point on screen is greater than 20 metres.

Just uploaded 0.8.2, it scrubs the time stamps so if you upload them to OSM it’ll be a little invasive if someone decides to grab your tracks to try and work out not only where you were, but when.

Alternatively, I just updated another piece of software I wrote which now can anonymously upload tracks through a single account, and I’ll probably add the same feature to this app at some point too.

You need the time stamps if you use an external camera for taking photos of the street signs.
You could just scrub the date which should be enough.

That’s a point, and any other recordings etc, I guess you can always scrub the points yourself afterwards, I’ll upload an update shortly undoing my changes.