Oregon 450 avoids Junction in Routing


I am am OSM newbie and I have a problem.

when I export via OpenRouteService.org the junction “An den Dieken” / “Breitscheider Weg” to a Garmin Map my Oregon 450 doesn’t use this junction for routing. Could you tell me why? How can I solve the problem?

Link to map: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.34567&lon=6.835169&zoom=18&layers=B000FTF

Related map (created with mkmap): http://www.susiwitte.de/osm/GMASUPP.IMG

Thanks for your support!

Kind regards OSMarc

I’ve looked at the OSM source and could not find any problems. Maybe you can download the same junction from the OSM and compare it to the download from ORS?


Thanks for reply.

Direct export plus options “–net --route” in mkgmap did the correct job.

Regards, Marc.