Interviews concerning the process of mapping Haiti

Dear mappers of Haiti,

I am a student of HafenCity University Hamburg in Germany. For my bachelor-theses, I am searching for interview partners who are involved in mapping Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. My work explores the mapping of Haiti as a method of low-cost and rapid data collection for crisis management. I am talking about interviews via Skype or by phone. It would take you approximately 20 minutes, but would help me a lot and contribute to my work in a substantial way. I can speak English and German.

Please let me know, if you are willing to become an interview partner.

You can write me here or send a mail to
I am very thankful for any help.

best wishes,

Jan Thomas

Hi Jan

drop me a line if you like. I was involved in Haiti mapping early on, and I can probably spare you 20mins!

If you want to meet face-to-face with someone in Hamburg, we have quite a few Users in Hamburg, some of whom may know a bit about the Haiti work.