Note resolution request.

I’m raising around twenty notes a day as I drive around Melbourne. One brave soul has been sorting out what I’ve raised but there are heaps of other notes that can be attended to. If there is anyone else that can help out it would be much appreciated. Issues range from missing/nameless streets to navigation issues. Most common is that I’m raising notes on building numbers. I wait at traffic lights and if the house opposite where I’m waiting does not show on the map I raise a note for it. It will help to put more building numbers in. Something which around 95% of Melbourne is missing ATM.

Hi Pakenhamin,

Great work with repiorting the addreses.

I think you are on the right way now since finding the OSMAND offline editing function. I use it a fair bit and when I get into wifi range, it uploads the poi. I have fixed some of yours, but we need more people mapping in Victoria. Also Tasmania got as big hit with the redaction process a few years ago, but it is slowly sorting itself out.
