Real time 3D map using WebGL

Thanks, most of the city is still just basic extruded contours, few buildings are explicitly 3D-described; there will be many more of course… :slight_smile:

I’m of course always happy to answer the occasional question (if I can), but I’m really not a “powerpoint presentation” / “meeting organizer” kind of guy - and the community here in RO is unfortunately still quite… rarefied. Case in point: I don’t even have a Facebook profile (that’s by choice) yet social aspects of OSM in RO seem to be moving over there these days. Unfortunate…

do You know this:

and zoom in for Brasov.
Remove from list all this users:
MapperIcon New registered (1 Changeset)
MapperIcon Nonrecurring (<10 Changesets)
MapperIcon Junior (<100 Changesets)

You seefew names.

Email them…

Is there any way to make powerlines smaller? Right now they’re sized for high tension powerlines, when they’re, in reality, much smaller local lines.

Hello Japa, welcome to the OSM forums,
this looks like a bug to me,
can you report it on
we’ll take a look anyway, thanks !

No need. It seems I tagged it wrongly. I didn’t know about the minor_line tag.

ok great !

There is no actualization in f4: “Updated 13 days ago”.
Summer vacation?

yep ! just back from it and working on getting the server back on its feet :slight_smile:

Server still dead :roll_eyes:
I organize rthis saturday 3D mapping party with 40 people.
Do you believe, it can work again saturday?

Best regards,

sync started again, but it’s way too slow compared to what it should be.
I’m not sure it’ll work by then, but i highly doubt it’ll be in sync, event if back to its usual speed, due to the sheer amount of catch up to do. (usually when we get late, we can process like 2-3 times faster than basic time so it’s about 6 to 13 days to catch, when it’s fixed.
Still working on it though, i’ll keep you posted

Is ist technically possible to render an small area?
It would be nice to show the people the results…

nope we’re having problems with data synchronisation and it can only handle the world :frowning:
sorry about that.

Good luck, cactusbone!

@Marek: I could render that area on OSM2World Maps for you if you consider that a sufficient alternative. It would even be possible to update a few times during the event if the area is not too big.

Thank you Tordanik!
It ihe smallest city in Poland, Górzno ( )
What we need are pictures before mapping party (just now)
and the situation after finishing mapping: saturday 19.00 o´clock.

Is it possible?

Best regards,

@marek: some color tags are invalid for magenta buildings

Thanks, j3d!
I know that: the buildings have placeholders for adding of right values. The mappers shoud add all color values with known syntax for whole city.
We will see. :slight_smile:

And sure, we can use opensciencemap…

ok sync should be back to normal speeds.
I doubt it’ll be in sync for your event so using OSM2World is a good idea :slight_smile:

It seems that sync is not working.

I do not see my recent changes on f4map. Even changes from 2014-08-09 are not shown.

Look at:

Yesterday - I think - the last update was 2014-08-04 (difference 18 days), now it’s 2014-08-06 18:39 (difference 17 days).

But: At 2014-08-10 the difference was only 13 days!

We have to wait patiently :wink: