Show Data with Prefix Table Name (???) How?!

Hello Everybody,

i am desperate, but i still try to make my Own OSM Tile Server.

For Those who dont know what i already tried:

What i am Now Trying, import different data with --prefix.

Idea: (Answer)

I imported Northern Ireland. OK
I now imported luxembourg (Prefix luxembourg) and belgium (prefix Belgium)

Tablenames: beligum_nodes, belgium_ways, … and so on.

Now i deleted the Tiles ( in the cache) and restarted the Render job.

But it just show me the Northern Ireland… The Area of belgium / luxembourg is not available! :frowning:
There are red Tiles…

How can i say to the Render Job: Hey bro… look also for belgium_ xxxx and not only planet_xxxxx

I am not interested anymore how i import it. I just want a tile server :frowning: i dont know how!

I hope someone can help me.

Best regards
