
In english so the admins can understand.

We need a couple of volunteers to act as moderators of the forum.

Anyone interested put your name forward and we can start the selection process.

In principle I can perform this function if nobody else is interested but I reckon having 2 or 3 would be a good solid number.


Ne bih se bunio…
Ali treba jos dobrovoljaca :slight_smile:

Kewl, any more volunteers?

Evo i ja se javljam kao dobrovoljac. :slight_smile:

I join up as a volunteer.

Å to da ne, evo i ja da se prijavim kao kandidat. :smiley:

The topic is not active anymore, so how about I assign the first two (Drazha and magnumns) as moderator?

Yeah, hopefully we wont have too much of a need for them anyway…

Fine for me… Others agree?

@magnumns: I give you my vote :slight_smile: