OSM presentation material for a goverment meeting

Hello OSM Folks,

some OSM Israeli constributers have a meeting in a couple of days with some Israel government departments and would like to show the power of the OSM project.
The goal is, to get some kind of data from the Israeli government to import or use in the OSM project.
To do so, we need some updated powerpoint presentations to show in this meeting.

Any suggestions?
We have found only this: http://www.slideshare.net/harrywood/openstreetmap-open-licensed-geodata?src=related_normal&rel=620877

If you have more data, please send me a pm or just post it in the following thread:

Thank you!

Maybe you ca find some more material for representation at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Press

and for successful former imports look at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import

Recently I had this presentation at The 10th Thailand Open Source Software Festival 2010. Feel free to use it.