Can I do this or not?


I work for an organisation which has 40 teams spread across the city of Birmingham.

I’d like to create a map naming each site so that all 40 teams locations are shown which would then help me plan visits to each time with some kind of logic (trying to avoid seeing one at the far west of the city then going to the far eastern edge of the city for the next one, much better to see teams in geographically close sites). Is this something that I can do on this? I have tried but when I put in an address or postcode it tells me it can’t find it within the area of map currently being displayed, yet if I zoom out to include a wider area the option to search for a location disappears.

Ideally it would be great if I could import the addresses from an Excel spreadsheet but I’d be happy to do them manually if that isn’t possible.

Am I wanting this to do something it can’t actually do?

If Openstreetmap isn’t the right choice, can anyone suggest something else that I could use???

It seems that your aim is an optimized list of destinations for a round-trip …


One online solution I know is … although still using googlemaps but OSM based Routing!

but there was an announcement about a whole OSM based beta version …


also found another: