Change track width and color in OsmAnd+

Is there a way to change the track width and color in OsmAnd+ Version 2.1.1 for Android?


Yes, you can adapt the default render style from
and copy the file to the local osmand/rendering directory on your device.

<renderingAttribute name="gpx">
        <case strokeWidth="7:6" cap="BUTT">
            <case nightMode="true" color="#b4b319ff"/>
            <case additional="routePoints=true" pathEffect="6_5" color="#b400ffff"/>
            <case color="#b400ffff"/>

Thanks for your reply. I tried the following style changes, however, I saw no change in the track width or color. I’m probably missing something. I am looking at tracks recorded prior to these style changes. Do the changes only take effect when new tracks are recorded. I would think not. Suggestions?

<renderingAttribute name="gpx">
    <case strokeWidth="3:2" cap="ROUND">
       <case nightMode="true" color="#b4b319ff"/>
       <case additional="routePoints=true" pathEffect="6_5" color="#b400ffff"/>
       <case color="#ff0000ff"/>

Did you change the into something different?
00ffff is the hex code for cyan, see
b4 is the opacity value, see

I tried the configuration shown below and still no change in the track style.

<renderingAttribute name="gpx">
     <case strokeWidth="3:2" cap="ROUND">
       <case nightMode="true" color="#b4b319ff"/>
       <case additional="routePoints=true" pathEffect="6_5" color="#ffff0000"/>
       <case color="#ffff0000"/>

You have to stop/restart Osmand or reboot your phone in order to see those changes.
Otherwise you could post your question on the osmand forum:!forum/osmand