OSM to X3D

Hi all

I’ve started a project able to generate 3D scenes from xml OSM data: osm2x3d. There is already a web service to generate x3d tiles.
Demo: http://web.osm2x3d.net

At the moment, the core converter is coded in C++. I’ll do it in javascript with node.js later.

Finally, the “Open Earth View” project aims to intensively exploit osm2x3d concept. It exploits x3dom js library: http://www.openearthview.net

Other features will be included: textures, skybox, svg for building floors, etc…

Currently, I’m alone on these projects.

Who could be interested to promote or join the team?

Is there any (public) source code repository for your project to look at ?

Yes, here: https://github.com/clement-igonet/osm2x3d
I’m starting to code in js for use with node.js
I’ll support other format like geojson for a use by osmbuildings project.