damaged boundaries

Hello, I’ve found some damaged boundaries in Argentina (via Missing Boundaries). Maybe someone of you can take a look at it:


I haven’t repaired the boundaries by myself because i think it’s better if someone with more local knowledge will take a look at it. To me it seems wrong that the roads in this area got splitted into two pieces. It is in my opinion almost impossible that in this area is a road with four lanes.

Hello 4rch

First of all, sorry for my english…

Thank you very much for alerting us to the problem. I’m getting in contact with the user who made the changes (apparently it’s my brother!), to communicate the problem and see how to fix it.

no sabía q tenías un hno y lo trajiste a osm, jajaja

Hola Werner!

Si, colabora y ahora usa los mapas para Garmin. Me falta convencer a mis otros dos hermanos… jejejejeje

:smiley: :smiley: +1