A lot of unconnected Sub-Graphs in Bucharest

Hi folks,

first of all, I have to say, I’m new in this forum. I like to post somehow structured, so please enjoy the segmentation :wink:

Problem statement

Because of my work I have a (probably not that easy) technical question:

We have an individual software for planning of constructions on public roads, written in JAVA. For that we need public infrastructure data. Because we are simulation end-to-end, we need a completely connected graph. I figured out already, that a lot of way, which should be connected, are practically not connected in the dataset. See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OSM_Inspector/Views/Routing for more information.

We are currently doing some work for Bucharest/Romania. Therefore I loaded the XML-Tile on 2014-10-30 16:37:04 from


and imported it in my own database, into my on schema.

That works perfect, but when I download it from the database in the JGaphT-Framework in a Graph-Object and run the ConnectivityInspector.connectedSet(), I get a few hundred thousand unconnected “subgraphs” (see the console output in the end of this post).

I’ve exported my dataset in serveral KML, in case it may help you can download them here from my dropbox.

Because of that, I cannot “navigate” around, which is the essential function.


1.) Is it possible, that I have loaded the wrong dataset (wrong/missing parameter in URL)?
2.) In case it was right, have you made similar experience?
3.) Why is YourNavigation able to find ways?
4.) How can I fix it? - Any ideas?


KMLs (the same like above)

Console output:

I cannot tell you a solution, but maybe you can find some more hints on https://help.openstreetmap.org when entering “graph” in the text search box there.

And you are also aware of the OSM wiki about http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Routing and all opensource solutions there?