OSM map for whole Europe


Can it be downloaded the whole map of Europe in one Garmin .img file?

Till now I am downloading Garmin OSM maps from here:

But I can download only separate countries in one file.

Many Thanks,

Go to the website, enable the option : “Enable manual tile selection”. Then use the mouse (click and drag) to select the region you want, enter your email address and hit “Build my map”. Hey presto!

See here for a more detailed manual.

Thank you Lambertus. Haven’t notice this.:slight_smile:

Unfortunately, this solution does not work, at least, not on one of my computers/accounts.

It works for a part of Europe, but when I select Belgium-France-Spain-Netherlands-UK… a message tells me that I selected too many tiles as soon as I try to build my map.
It would be very handsome if you could download Europe (or Western Europe) somewhere as one big file, not matter how large it is.

Diederik D’Hert

It does matter how large it is, the img file can only be less than 4 Gb.
So you can’t download one big file, you have to make several img’s.

And the Windows installer -as it stands now- can only handle a maximum of 2GB.

Map for PC can be bigger than 4GB. Mapinstall will split it into multiple img for device.