Mobile editors?

Is there any mobile OSM editor for adding POIs and street names, plus creating tracks?

I like GoMap for iPhone.
I believe OSMAnd is nice on Android.

Is there something for Windows Mobile 8 and Blackberry 10?

(Microsoft had MapStalt Mini for WinPhone 7, but it hasnt been updated and keeps crashing on WinPhone 8)

I’m on it. I will find out the answer to this question. I have an IT (Internet Technology and Mobile Apps company so I will send this over now for an answer. I would like to know the answer for myself so thanks parambyte.)

There’s BigTinCan Mapper Pro on Blackberry 7 and earlier.
And there’s Simple OSM on Windows Phone 8.

But nothing as good as GoMap!!!

(On BlackBerry 7 and earlier, there’s the wonderful GPS Logger II. unfortunately it doesnt add directly to OSM)