Real time 3D map using WebGL

Any way to make this hipped roof less ugly?

Looks nice in kendzi3d:

Das liegt daran, dass es viele gibt, die Luftbilder abmalen. Da kann man die Dachform erkennen. Das Ergebnis hat mMn nicht viel mit 3D zu tun. Genausogut könnten Renderer jedes building=house mit levels=2 und roof=gabled raten, weil es am wahrscheinlichsten ist. Man kann dann aber mit den 3D-Ansichten nur noch schwer erkennen, wo noch echte 3D-Daten fehlen :frowning:
Am besten funktioniert Qualitätssicherung, indem man nicht alles unterstützt.
Daher wie geschrieben “…brauchen wir ein Qualitätstool, das unvollständig erfasste Gebäude findet.” (siehe oben #354)
Das wäre doch eine Studentenaufgabe :wink:


Now it’s the old problem again: F4 renders hipped instead of gabled (LUX):
You had solved the problem some month ago.

looks like a problem with our skeleton usage, we’ll need to look into it, but no quick solution comes to mind :frowning:

indeed it looks wrong, we’ll try tracking it down
[EDIT] looks like it broke around april :frowning:

Building request is not responding

Still not responding :frowning:

I restarted the server, it should be good now.

Chimneys are floating in air

yep, we need to work on those ! thanks !

ok fixed ! thank you !!

Dear friends, try to use tag area:highway=* see:
in your visualisation.

Best regards,

+1 for area:highway

Another minor thing to notice. Glass material looks somewhat out of place at night, because even at night it reflects a really bright skydome texture (data/textures/EnvMap.jpg?). I think it would be much cooler to mix in the current sky color (darker at night, orange in the morning etc.)

added to idea box :slight_smile:

Aren’t there some problems with Why does Peter and Paul Cathedral look so strange? Kendzi3D, for example, works normal: , main relation:

my guess is some part inherit the roof-height of the building
so they need to be set on all the included parts
or remove roof-height from the building

Could you check rendering of this element:


Is there a update of this list ?
Especially there where we can make the difference ;-

@marek wow that’s unexpected !! Looking into it now :slight_smile:

@Jakka I’m not sure what you want… should be approximately up to date for what’s handled in f4map

I was looking for example factory, gate lorry gates, doors, windows, to give my building more details. And how to do it easy :wink:

Some buildings…

How to lower the ground level with -1.5 m only where the lorry drive backwards again the gates?


i’m pretty sure you can’t alter the ground level in any way